About Me...

About me.... hmmmm... tricky subject. What is it about us that hates talking about and describing ourselves? Some people find it easy, me on the other hand... don't.

I'm 29 (at the point of writing this), originally from a not so small town in Yorkshire called Bradford.

I started my 'adult' life as a soldier in the British Army. I say 'adult', because I joined the Army at 16, and now at the age of 29, I still don't feel I have truly grown up. I think there is a childish element in me that will always be there. But it's that element of me that keeps me alive, keeps me as me. No doubt, I can be annoying at times with it, but... that's just who I am.

I have had somewhat of a varied life, moving from pillar to post, trying various potential career paths, but now feel I have found my calling. As I mentioned in my first post (http://mydosanddoings.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/my-first-entry.html) I haven't had the easiest life to date, but I don't blame this on anyone. Everything in my life I have done, been through and been faced with, has been my own doing. I have made the most of every bad situation I have been in and come out the other end a better person for it.

I'm now living in the south of the UK, in Berkshire and now in my 6th year of my Online Marketing career, which I really enjoy. I live with my girlfriend who has been a huge influence on my now, thoroughly enjoyable life, which involves 3 - 4 hours a week in the gym, regular mountain biking along the Thames and the Berkshire area, regular visits to theme parks and what I hope in the coming years... lots of traveling.

I am a keen photographer, film buff and techi... I love Google and will often reference some kind of Google product in my both my blog and across my many social network accounts.

If you are interested in learning more about me and my life, follow me on G+ and keep reading my blog.

Thanks for reading...

Lynd x

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