It's 2012 and we're well into the digital era... Blogs, Social Networks, Tweets, Status', and Photo sharing... the list is endless. And for years I have been saying to myself that I'm going to start a blog. But unlike a lot of things we men 'say' we're going to do... the reason for me not starting one was not down to laziness.
The main reason for it taking me so long to actually start a blog was to do with content, and what my blog should be about. What angle should I take? What do people want to read about that hasn't already been written? Then it suddenly dawned on me that I don't have to base it around one particular subject. I could write about whatever I liked...
So that's how I came up with the name... The Do's & Doing's... Because that's exactly what this blog is about... Things I do, and am doing… 'Simples' (cue, funny meerkat noise).
For those of you that know me, you will know throughout my very short existence on this earth (a mere 29 years) I have actually been through, and done an awful lot. Both good and bad. But this blog isn't about my past, it's about my future... (If I were to write a post on my past it would be a novel). Needless to say, when it’s been good, it’s been amazing, and when it’s been bad... BUT! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
I hope to keep this blog up to date as much as I can, and on many things; including Technology, mobile phones, my industry (Online Marketing) as well as other things, such as the Do's and Doing's.
So there it is... My first ever blog post, which I will leave you with my favourite quote, which I live my life to... Yesterday is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Live every moment as though it’s a gift... That's why it’s called 'The Present'.
Keep it up....... Witty and wise! X