I first heard about this last week when out in London with Family, when the girlfriends sister-in-law commented on a pram... and then another... and another. She laughingly said "It's Pram Envy". I laughed at first as tho she was just messing about and said the first thing that came off her tongue.
But no, Pram Envy actually exists.
So I've done a bit of research into it, and its true... some of the comments made are almost as tho these people are buying a new car. “Great off road”, “handles like a dream”, “nice bodywork”…I mean... All these phrases were once reserved for men describing their motors, but now, these phrases are as likely to be used by new mum's and dad's alike, expressing the virtues of their 'baby’s wheels'.
Makes you wonder what's next... Pimp my pushchair ??? Soon the local shopping centre in gonna be flooded with Mothercare's latest range of buggy rolling on 20's.
On a recent survey carried out by the Yellow Pages, a quarter of men admitted to being envious over another man's pram, whilst the same amount admitted to boasting about theirs.
So next time your in the pub, you can forget hearing talks about the latest footie results, or the latest Porsche 911... This week's topic over a beer is prams... NOT IN MY PUB ITS NOT!!!
A couple of other interesting facts to come from the survey;
- Nearly a third (30%) of all men chose their pram because of the special features – and more than a quarter (28%) chose theirs for its handling and manoeuvrability
- Special features a bloke would like to see on a pram include an electric cover, a DVD player, live football scores, satellite navigation, power steering ('really?') and even a speedometer
- Seven per cent would compare their pram to a Porsche 911
And my personal favourite...
- More than a quarter (27%) of new dads have give their pram a weekend wash and polish!
So there you go... Pram Envy in a nutshell... Think I'm gonna forget the idea of building myself a drift car, and set out to build a pram... no doubt it will get me kudos in my local boozer... (or not!)
I'll leave you all with a graphic that Mama's & Papa's came up with as the ultimate 'Man-Pram' would look like... Read it and weep guys...
OOOOOH Love it. I sold my Quinny on Saturday but have decided to shelve my pram envy and not get the Bugaboo or as my sister calls it Wank Wheels. Im going for the more economical ( about £300 cheaper) but German Engineered ( extra special features and fantastic manoeuvrability ) I'coo . Watch out you will want one too !!!!!!